About Me

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I graduated in July with a 1st Class Honors Textile degree from Norwich University of the Arts. I am a mix media printer specialising in discovering the unusual potential of various materials and inks. I identify and push boundaries discovering unexpected strengths within my chosen materials to develop thought provoking, contradictory structures. I find this concept exciting as new problems and tasks are constantly appearing, challenging me to explore further into the unknown realms of creating. Through unravelling the mysteries of traditional lace my passion for delicate structures has been fuelled, thus providing the pathway for making these fragile constructions. Inspiration is also found within the practise itself, one experimentation leading to another, stimulating the endless creative possibilities. I use Pinterest to collate all my internet based research, my URL is http://pinterest.com/emilyplumbly/

Friday 10 May 2013

More photographing..

When making something becomes about the process rather than the final outcome making that item look special can be a challenge... 

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